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CBD flowers Switzerland

Enjoy our selection of Indoor, Greenhouse and Outdoor CBD flowers.

Our range of premium CBD flowers are produced from hemp varieties carefully selected for their high CBD content and low THC content, the psychoactive component of cannabis.

CBD flowers Switzerland

Enjoy our selection of Indoor, Greenhouse and Outdoor CBD flowers.

Our range of premium CBD flowers are produced from hemp varieties carefully selected for their high CBD content and low THC content, the psychoactive component of cannabis.

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CBD Flowers: What Are They?

CBD flowers  refer to the dried flowers  of the industrial hemp plant  that contain high levels of cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant.

In recent years, CBD flowers have become a popular natural supplement to help treat various health conditions, such as anxiety, insomnia, pain, and inflammation. They can be consumed in a variety of ways, including tea, vaporization, edibles, or tinctures...

So don't hesitate any longer and buy the perfect hemp CBD flower products for you today!

The legalization of CBD flowers: what to remember?

Unlike many other hemp products, the consumption of cannabidiol is legal in the French regions and in Europe. This is possible since this molecule has no psychoactive effect on the human body. At the same time, the consumption of CBD flowers is perfectly and 100% legal. In fact, products of this magnitude have a low THC level estimated at less than 0.3%. In light of all this information, you can buy and consume the flowers of Lasalad CBD Company with complete peace of mind.

Are CBD flowers in the same categories as drugs?

CBD flowers cannot be considered drugs or narcotics. That's why they are sold freely in our online shop "Lasalade CBD Company". Indeed, CBD flowers are completely devoid of THC (psychoactive molecule). Therefore, they are not classified as drugs and narcotics. By the way, you will find products of this scale freely in our online store.

How to enjoy the benefits of CBD flowers?

Today, CBD products (especially hemp flowers) are in vogue on the market. Indeed, many people tend to integrate these into their daily lives to fully enjoy the benefits of CBD and cannabis in general. However, what are the right ways to benefit from the therapeutic and medicinal effects of CBD flowers?

In general, CBD flowers have the ability to be consumed and used in several different ways. These can be infused in hot water. Such a practice dissolves the active ingredients that will end up in the body after tasting the herbal tea.



At the same time, it is possible to opt for the vaporization of CBD flowers. To achieve this, you need a vaporizer. This is also one of the best methods to benefit from the therapeutic principles derived from hemp. Slightly heated, the active ingredients contained in CBD flowers are released and enter the body through the respiratory tract.


You can consume CBD flowers by adding them to food to facilitate the absorption of the active ingredients. The therapeutic effects will be felt about one to two hours after ingestion. You can also buy pre-rolled joints with the desired amount of CBD, without needing to know how to roll yourself. This method is suitable for smokers who are used to using narcotics. In summary, you can choose the mode of consumption that suits you best according to your individual needs from the different options offered by Lasalad CBD Company.



How potent are our CBD flowers?

As mentioned earlier, there are many varieties of CBD flowers. Each of them offers several different cannabidiol concentrations. These vary according to needs, taste, and other factors influencing the consumer's choice. By way of illustration, it can be cited:

·        The weight of the consumer;

·        Its tolerance to CBD;

·        Stress levels;

·        Etc.

If you are a beginner, Lasalade CBD Company will provide you  with flowers with a CBD content adapted to your needs. However, we do sell products with more than 80% CBD. As for the psychoactive substance (THC), the low content is regulated by legislation. It will never exceed 1% in our online store.


Today, there  are experienced CBD consumers who are adopting the inhalation method. Several of them tend to look for a powerful effect and strong aromas. In this specific case, Lasalade CBD Company will offer them our CBD flowers "Double Gum 15g". Thanks to such a product, they will be able to enjoy a unique and ultimate experience.



Buying CBD Flowers

At Lasalade CBD Company, we provide you with the cream of CBD flowers in our online store. Our deliveries can be made anywhere in France and free depending on the amount of the order. Feel free to choose from our selection of high-quality medical cannabis products. Thanks to our fast delivery service, you have the option to order legal cannabis flowers and seeds and receive them by post the next day.

So take advantage and buy the perfect hemp-based CBD flowers for you today!

Why You Should Trust Our CBD Flowers

Our online store, Lasalade CBD Company, is among the best in selling CBD products, including a wide selection of medical cannabis. We offer  top-quality hemp flowers with different CBD levels, all from renowned producers. We are concerned about quality and the environment, and we favor organic products, grown without the use of pesticides or herbicides, in accordance with the rules of the art and the environment.

100% legal

Each CBD flower made available to you has undergone regular control by independent and certified laboratories. Such a practice helps to keep the THC content low in accordance with the standards of European legislation. More precisely, the level of this psychotropic substance is less than 0.3%, in accordance with the legal provisions of France.

Lasalade CBD Company: an innovative online store

To better satisfy its customers, Lasalade CBD Company makes it an absolute point of honor to have a shopping experience. Indeed, this company provides you with the best rates on the market while offering you good quality products. You will therefore easily find CBD flowers on our website  that can perfectly meet your needs. To do this with peace of mind, use our categories and search filters specifically designed for medical cannabis users, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned user.

Fast delivery

Be aware that Lasalade CBD Company knows how quickly ordered products need to be delivered in the shortest possible time. In order not to disappoint customers, we offer fast and instant deliveries. However, please be aware that we act with absolute discretion. If the amount of your order exceeds the threshold set on our sales platform "Lasalade CBD Company", then you will benefit from free delivery anywhere in France.

Don't hesitate to order our legal cannabis flowers!

Unbeatable prices

Our clientele is a big family and a community of enthusiasts. They are looking for products of exceptional quality. This is the reason why Lasalade CBD Company offers them competitive prices throughout the year. Thanks to our online store, you will get better value for money on all your purchases regarding CBD products. We also offer a loyalty and referral program. This will allow you to save money and get CBD flowers at a low price.

Don't miss out on our unbeatable prices on a wide selection of CBD flower products!

Lasalade CBD Company offers other products

Apart from medical cannabis flowers, you will also find other CBD products in our online shop. By way of illustration, it can be cited:

·        CBD oils;

·        CBD-based cosmetic products;

·        Hemp teas;

·        CBD creams for skin care;

·        Etc.

Depending on your needs, you will certainly find the ideal product that will be able to meet your expectations perfectly. To be certain of the quality and reliability of our CBD products, don't hesitate to consult the reviews expressed by consumers.

Some Benefits of CBD Flowers

There are many reasons why you should take full advantage of the therapeutic effects of cannabidiol, including our CBD flowers. The latter are considered an insurance of a plant product, as they have not undergone any modification. Specifically, CBD flowers are naturally rich in cannabinoids since it is in this part of the cannabis plant that the terpenes and flavonoids are found.

Although the therapeutic benefits of CBD flowers have not been clinically proven, these products are considered a recognized legal cannabis in France and Europe. The majority of CBD flower users have reported feeling a feeling of absolute relaxation and relaxation. However, they were not confronted with the psychotropic effects generally observed in cannabis and THC. That's why our CBD flowers will be a real ally in the fight against everyday worries. 

·        Our CBD flowers will also be of great use to you in the fight against insomnia. This is possible since cannabidiol contains active ingredients capable of improving the quality of sleep of its users. Similarly, the flavonoids and terpenes in CBD are involved in the regulation of appetite and several other essential biological functions. On the sports side, our CBD flowers allow athletes to recover better after intense physical exertion. More specifically, the active ingredients of this molecule relieve muscles by reducing aches and pains.


Discover our different varieties of cheap CBD flowers

First of all, you should know that the quality of CBD flowers varies depending on several factors. The most important is the type of hemp cultivation adopted by cannabis growers. This parameter has a great influence on the final price of these products. Indeed, on the Lasalade CBD Company platform, you will discover several ways to grow cannabis.



Outdoor CBD flowers

Outdoor CBD flowers come especially from a chamber culture produced outdoors. Specifically, these are products from hemp grown in a 100% natural environment. This parameter has a considerable impact on the price of outdoor CBD flowers. Specifically, these are sold at a lower price by cannabis growers.

This is because outdoor CBD flowers have a good reputation on the market. These usually do not require large financial means to grow. Specifically, they tend to benefit from sunlight and all the other nutrients the soil offers. However, it is clear that CBD flowers grown in these conditions can be impacted by the natural environment. They are usually exposed to bad weather and parasites.

In addition, CBD flowers grown in a 100% natural environment usually have irregular shapes. This is a peculiarity that differentiates them from certain varieties. However, it is clear that 100% natural hemp cultivation has a very pronounced flavour. This observation is also made in terms of taste and aromas. These are key parameters that attract customers as much as possible. Apart from outdoor CBD flowers, there are also some varieties offered by Lasalad CBD Company. This is the case, for example, with indoor bedroom cultivation.



Indoor CBD cannabis flowers

Contrary to those mentioned above,indoor CBD cannabis flowers are products whose hemp cultivation has been done in an enclosed environment. Such a practice is quite widespread in this field. Many consumers consider these indoors grown CBD flowers to be high-end products.

Previously, the marketing and cultivation of chamber plants was prohibited by law. Growers have therefore allowed themselves to grow cannabis out of sight. Be aware that flowers grown in these conditions require special treatment to ensure that they are optimal and perfect. However, indoor room cultivation requires the implementation of an irrigation system, artificial lights and a considerable workforce. These are all parameters that prove the rise in the prices of certain varieties of CBD flowers.

Similarly, be aware that growing indoor hemp has facilitated the appearance of certain varieties of CBD flowers. The latter come mainly from crosses between different chamber species. In addition, the different crosses made have made it possible to have flowers with several aromas.

In addition, it is possible to buy cheaper indoor CBD flowers at Lasalade CBD Company. Depending on the concentration and varieties, you will get the best value for money with our products.



How to choose CBD strains?

Well before proceeding to buy CBD flowers online, it is important that you make sure you choose the right strain. Indeed, there are 3 main types, namely:

  • CBD indica flowers: Products of this magnitude are generally recommended for people who want to relax, unwind and sleep better. They are perfect for cannabidiol beginners.

  • CBD Sativa flowers: These tend to offer more intelligent characteristics. However, these types of products help reduce stress and anxiety.

  • Hybrid CBD flowers: at first glance, you should know that products of this size are the result of crossing several strains. By consuming them, you will benefit from the varied therapeutic effects. Similarly, the hybrid version offers different and original tastes.

Some of the most well-known CBD products on the market today include Lemon Haze, White Widow, Amnesia, Orange Bud or Strawberry Haze.



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